The lack of food due to climate change may lead to 500,000 deaths by 2050

The lack of food due to climate change may lead to 500,000 deaths worldwide by 2050, according to a new study by the University of Oxford.
The researchers calculated the impact of climate change on the health of adults in 155 countries around the world, if global emissions of greenhouse gases are not reduced.
The team of professor Marco Σπρίνγκμαν has also progressed in the simulation scenarios where taken actions to varying degrees.
The scientific team discovered that the stabilization of climate change can reduce the estimated number of deaths between 29% and 71%, depending on the extent and severity of the measures that will be taken.
Previous investigations have examined how global warming may affect food safety, but the new study focused on changes in agricultural production associated with climate change.
In accordance with the Σπρίνγκμαν, the findings showed that the slightest change in the availability of food per person can lead to changes in the composition and the energy content of the diet. These changes can have far-reaching consequences for the health.
Despite the projected increase in the availability of food, the researchers have calculated that the climate change may reduce this growth by around a third by 2050. This will lead to a reduction of 3% or 99kcal in the average availability of food per person.
The computer model also showed that a minimal reduction in the consumption of red meat, could prevent about 30,000 deaths due to increased health benefits.
However, the researchers found that while fruit and vegetable consumption will be reduced by 4%, due to the overheating of the planet.
The reduction in fruit and vegetables will greatly affect the member low-and middle-income in the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia, as well as a member of a high income around the world.
The projected reduction in the availability of food will reduce deaths associated with obesity during 260.000.
Unfortunately, this number will be offset by 266.000 extra deaths that will arise due to malnutrition that is associated with climate change.
The alarming findings suggest the need for urgent initiatives for adaptation to climate change in order to reduce the projected health effects due to the overheating of the planet, ending the investigation.