It is a basic need for the body and directly affects our health, mood and performance in everyday life. Good sleep improves brain and body health, therefore, it can reduce the risk of heart disease, but also other diseases and disorders such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and dementia. CORVERSE However, several ignore or do not pay due attention to the environment in which they sleep. There are various objects that may negatively affect the quality of our sleep, increasing anxiety, insomnia, or even the possibilities of serious health problems. Let us see the items that should not exist in your bedroom to ensure a refreshing sleep. TRANSPARENCY Electronic devices Electronic devices (mobiles, televisions, computers) emit blue light, which affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Using these devices before sleep can disturb your sleep. Make sure, at least, before going to bed to activate the “flight mode” on your mobile phone so that your sleep is not interrupted by sound stimuli. Dozens of research, moreover, have shown that sleep deprivation is directly linked to weight gain. Also, a number of people tend to watch television at night to fall asleep. This habit, however – and especially if your TV is in the bedroom – can delay the onset of sleep and cause health problems in the long term. Furniture The space you sleep should not be overcrowded with many furniture. Unnecessary furniture can increase your anxiety and prevent relaxation and calm before night bedtime. After all, creating a calm and comfortable environment is the key to a refreshing sleep. Removing unnecessary furniture will significantly improve your sleep quality, leading to rest and better health. Router Continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation can affect the quality of your sleep. Several research has shown that exposure to the router’s radio waves to have WiFi in our home can cause insomnia, reducing the body’s ability to rest and rejuvenate adequately during the night. Digital LED watches When in our bedroom there are objects that emit light or other small sources of light, such as digital LED watches, then, they can disrupt our sleep or prevent us from entering the different stages of sleep, causing frequent awakenings. Food, caffeine, alcohol Eating food, caffeine or alcohol before sleep can affect the quality of your sleep. So avoid eating in your bedroom or drinking coffee. Caffeine, for example, remains in our system for several hours, putting the body in hyperstimulation mode. Alcohol, too, can cause nighttime awakenings. Gymnastics Physical activity can improve sleep, however, intense exercise near bedtime can cause insomnia. For this reason, there should be no gymnastics instruments in your bedroom. Also avoid intense exercise 2-3 hours before sleep, since tension in your body by increasing andrenalin adversely affects sleep.
The items that should not be in your bedroom when you sleep
in Lifestyle