The hares…

Aristotle Vassilakis
Try – very smart – it’s true Vassilis Leventis to shake off from above of the category of the rabbit of the Strike, kicking the ball in the ballpark, remembering how the “dirty 89” the Left συγκυβέρνησε with the supposedly damned right – the Kangaroo.
It just so happens that in this country we all have the memory of a goldfish, it should be remembered to mr Lad, that the 1989 – quite rightly – that the left συγκυβέρνησε with the New Republic (and not the right)… And indeed in 1989 was dirty, but not for the reasons invoked for years PASOK, the rhetoric of which intercepted mr. Leventis, but for the completely opposite…
In 1989, it was dirty, because our political system had reached the limits of sepsis and ανυποληψίας of the… The SCANDAL followed one upon the other, the economic situation of the country was at a similar level with the current (just then we had a national currency and cover under the carpet the problems), the new national division was just around the corner and the international environment was explosive, after the fall of the Soviet Union and, consequently, of Yugoslavia.
In this environment, and with an electoral system, which was inspired by the late Stumpy, by the way, to brake the momentum of the SOUTHWEST for authority, Greece quite rightly, went to a sense of national consensus… A sense in which we should be from the beginning of the crisis, I.e. from 2008, which escaped the global economic crisis, which put the tombstone to the – anyway – troubled Greek economy, until yesterday…
This has not been done for μικροκομματικούς reasons and will not become, and in the near future, for exactly the same reasons… Despite the fact that mr. Leventis is presented the champion of a National consensus, with what he says at times it serves the complete opposite… Is he a carpetbagger to the μικροκομματικών interests of a system responsible for the destruction of the country…

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