The government sends out to local authorities the costs of public health structures

The “snap” amendment, which transferred to the MUNICIPALITIES first and second grade… the costs of public health structures, it is referred to the if. Secretary IP of the SW and Mp of Heraklion, mr. Lefteris Αυγενάκης with parliamentary intervention, the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction mr Panos Κουρουμπλή and the Minister of Health mr. Andreas Blonde.
The question, as indicated, “structures for public health, as well as hundreds of departments and clinics in the NHS across the country, fail to meet the health and nursing needs of the Greek population, situated literally in the boundary conditions. In the extremely important problems in the area of health, such as the dramatic shortages of medical and nursing staff, shortages of materials, shortages of beds, especially in the ICU, the aged fleet of the AMBULANCE, the stripping of hospitals and health centres is to be added to the casualness, irresponsibility and the “incredible naivety” with which the Government treats such a sensitive area of health.
No. 209/29/12-02-2016 amendment tabled in the House titled “meet emergency operational needs of the Public Health Structures by the TABS A and B Degree and Legal Persons of these” causes strong reactions, and reasonable questions about the intentions and total absence of planning of the government”.
As highlighted in the intervention of mr Αυγενάκη “the Government once again, without public debate and consultation and without planning and scheduling, transfer to others, in this case to the local authorities, the need to finance public services, especially health services, in order to “cover” its own incompetence and the serious problems that has created the “proud deal”. … the disastrous policies of the government of SYRIZA-ANEL will negatively affect the key sector of health with the Greek citizens should not enjoy the health services to which they are entitled and for which they are taxed. The Government transfer costs and, indirectly, responsibilities on local authorities, without, however, transferring responsibilities and resources”.
Finally, put the questions: “why has the Government shall deposit, in a hurry, amendment on such an important issue, because it is not preceded by public debate and consultation with stakeholders, in order to have a proper planning for the better functioning of health units, for which reason the Government is transferring to local authorities A’ and B’ degree costs, without transfer, at the same time, competences and resources? and who is the strategic planning of the Ministry for the improvement of the national health system, the solving of problems and the provision of better and more efficient health services to the citizens?”