The escalation of violence in the family as a symptom of social pathogenesis

Angelos Τσιγκρή, Lawyer – Professor Of Criminology
Phenomena systematically mistreated afflict at least one in three Greek families! And this…
regardless of economic status or educational level of its members.
One in three homes is an area congregation, with women primarily, but defenceless children, or helpless elders. This tells us the testimonies, the evidence, the investigations that we have.
Domestic violence is not a private matter, but a serious social pathogenesis.
Violated the rights of the individual and in a hurry the human dignity unimaginable large number of women, children and the elderly within the family in their everyday life within their own home.
The State must mobilise all stakeholders in an effort to meet strictly and decisively with the extreme phenomena of authoritarianism and arbitrariness within the Greek family.
In an effort to protect effectively the victims of domestic brutality. To be heard clearly, the until now silent witnesses of a in name only of family life.
Key aims should be: 1) The safeguarding of the freedom, dignity and self-determination of the individual within the family walls. 2) The protection, especially of women, at the expense of which usually is manifested through domestic violence, resulting in the violation of the constitutional principle of gender equality and the prevention of the free development of female personality. 3) The protection of the physical, but also mental health of the child. 4) The demarcation of a healthy family environment.
The State must mobilise all the forces available in order to ensure relationships based on individual dignity, self-determination and self-esteem within the Greek family, so in the Greek society.
We need to listen -with the heart and with the mind – the thousands of wives, thousands of children, thousands of helpless elderly people who experience their family life as a untold, until now, drama.