The Prime Minister’s choice, to propose to him, a candidate President of the Republic from the centre right, and not from the centre left, has multiple goals. On the one hand, with the choice of Kostas Tasoulas shields the cohesion of the Parliamentary Group and sends a clear message to Members that Kyriakos Mitsotakis hears their concerns and concerns. CORVERSE A move that is deemed necessary as in the two years remaining until the election, key reforms for which the government is committed are pending. A message on the basis of the ND Moreover, with the choice of the Speaker of the Parliament, Costas Tasoula – who comes from the “heart” of the ND – the Prime Minister also satisfies the basis of the party, which is also concerned about the ideological direction of the ND towards the centre, as is reflected in the polls. In this light, it is estimated that the Tasoula nomination can also be a “embankment” to leak votes to parties right across the South. CORVERSE Operation ‘PASOK weakening’ At the same time, with the selection of a candidate from the “blue tank” – “breaking” the tradition he wants to propose a person from the opposing political area – Kyriakos Mitsotakis is essentially attempting to weaken PASOK, diluting Nikos Androulakis that he does not consider his party to be a strong opponent in the political “scaker”. “The 2020 is not 2025, there is a change of correlations. There is now no second, large pole, which would justify the government proposing a candidate President of the Republic from the opposing party, and in this case from the centre left” they declared characteristic sources of the government. In addition, some executives “put on the scales” and the recent statements of PASOK President Nikos Androulakis, that he does not intend to cooperate, in case of need for co-government, with the NW, except with parties on the centre left. “He torpedoed every possibility of conciliation…” he stated “blue” executive, with Government Representative Paul Marinakis having fiercely attacked Nikos Androulakis 3 days ago, and on the occasion of his statement warning that “by voting PASOK, you are taking either Syriza, or the KKE, or the New Left.” In the next five “out of the race” Ev. Venizelos According to all the information, the nomination from the centre left and in particular from the former president of PASOK Evangelos Venizelos, was a thought dominant in the Prime Minister’s mind. However, the “weight” leaned towards the centre-right K. Tasoula. Since Mr. Tasoulas succeeded in being elected Speaker of the Parliament in three votes with votes – record, the government estimates that he is “squeezing” PASOK, Syriza and the Greek Solution that had supported him. “How can they justify not changing attitudes for petty parties? It is a united nomination and has the ability to consult and consent” he noted a government executive. The background The debate on a candidate for President of the Republic from the innards of the “blue” party began a few days after the European elections, when in a meeting of the New Democracy Parliamentary Group MPs asked thunderously not to renew Katerina Sakellaropoulou’s term but to propose a right-wing candidate. The first discussion with Mr. Tasoula took place months ago, with Mr. Mitsotakis putting his nomination as a serious possibility. Officially, the Prime Minister informed the Speaker of the House of his intentions last Sunday. A little earlier, Mr Mitsotakis himself personally informed, in telephone communication, the President of the Republic that he will not propose the renewal of her term of office, as he estimates that in this difficult, international geopolitical context, he should become a political person Head of State. With 165 or 166 votes the election Tasoula Costas Tasoulas is expected to be sworn in as the 9th President of the Hellenic Republic after the post-politization, on 13 March, when Ms. Sakellaropoulou’s term expires. The first vote on his election will take place on 25 January, and, as it all seems, “white smoke” will come out around mid-February, with the fourth vote, where the “cohesion” for the presidential election is at 151 votes. Mr. Tasulas is estimated to receive 165, perhaps 166 votes. In addition to the 156 MPs of the ND, the Spartans (5 votes) have also supported his election, while he also bets on the positive vote of 3 independent MPs elected with Vassilis Stiga’s party (H. Katsivarda, G. Aspiotis, M.Gavgiotakis), as well as the independent former Greek Solution MP, P. Sarakis. Former “blue” MP Marios Salmas will also vote in favour, while there is a question mark on Antonis Samaras’ attitude. Since both Mr. Samaras and Mr. Tasulas were both… political children of Averof, it is estimated that he can count on voting for both the middle Member and being elected to the high state office in total by 166 votes.
The entire background of the choice Mitsotakis for Tasoula – The 166 “yes” and the Samara attitude
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