Great mobilisation of the authorities in Crete after the German Nicholas Michael Meyer, 59 years old from the Heraklion Peninsula of Crete. The news of the man’s disappearance became known Tuesday (21.01.2025) from “. “The Smile of the Child” was updated on Tuesday about the disappearance and immediately proceeded to publicize the man’s data, at the request of his family, as there may be reasons for putting his life in danger. CORVERSE Myer (ed.) Nicholas Michael (ed.)- Maier (ed.) Nikolas Michael (n. ) is 1.80m tall, is 80 kg, has blue eyes and blonde hair. The day he disappeared, he was wearing a blue or green jacket and a green or black jumpsuit. Anyone who has any information, please contact by phone with “The Smile of the Child” 24 hours a day, on the “National Line for Missing Adults – 1017”, in all Police Departments of the country, but also through the Missing Alert app where there is a live update on the disappearance.
The disappearance of a 59-year-old German in Heraklion – The announcement from the “Smile of the Child”
in Greece