The “butcher of the motorway”. Raped, tortured and killed more than 20 young men and underage boys

It has been described as the “wickedest man who ever lived”, after he raped, tortured and killed more than 20 young men and underage boys…
The reason for the serial killer William Bonin. Has stay known as the “butcher of the motorway,” after many victims had been identified in the highways in southern California.
The first years

William Bonin
The Bonin was born in Connecticut, in 1947. His parents were alcoholics. His father was a gambler and had violent behavior. Without reason, stabbed the wife and children, creating for them psychological problems.
Parents interested in the care of children. I was a few times when they fasted and offered me a plate of food to neighbors.
In 1953, the brothers went to an orphanage. As long as they remained there, it’s been very difficult. When they misbehave, the punishment was harsh. The blows with a belt, the psychological war, as well as the immersion of the head in buckets of water, he was only some of the tortures to which were subjected.
The introduction of the reformatory and sexual abuse
When Bonin came out of the institution, at the age of 10 years old, was arrested for theft of a license plate of a vehicle and went to juvie.
There, the psychologist with whom I did sessions, violated sexually at the expense of the. The fact that rocked the Bonin and when he was released, he fell with his face to the drink to get over it.
When she came of age, his mother pressed him to marry, against his will.
He agreed to do her the favor, but soon concluded that he preferred to have sexual relations with men and not with women. Broke up after a few months.
After the divorce, the Bonin enlisted in the army and fought in Vietnam. At the risk of his life, protect his colleagues and for this heroic attitude took a medal. However nobody knew that the comrades who had saved him from certain death, he raped me then held at gunpoint.
The first convictions

The victims of the Bonin
In 1968, the Bonin raped and tortured her 4 underage boys. The tactic followed was specific. First they were bound hand and foot, then caused them pain, by their testicles, and in the end used to force himself sexually upon them.
In 1969, he was arrested and brought to trial on charges of rape, sodomy and abduction of minors. He was found guilty, but not imprisoned. Admitted to a psychiatric clinic.
In 1971, the doctors determined that he had a very high iq, but had gaps in her memory and it was savage therapy. They sent him to prison, where he remained until 1974.
“Is no longer a risk for the physical integrity and the security of other people,” he wrote, inter alia, the diploma of.
The beginning of his murderous action

One of the victims identified by the police
However, the truth was very different. After his release, not only continued his criminal action, raping underage boys, but went a step further. He began to kill his victims which the stab or drown in the van.
After the murder of the throw to main motorways.
In 1980, Bonin was arrested by the police, while he tried to drag it by force into the van 5 adolescents.
The authorities after an investigation in the interior of the car they spotted bloody daggers, screwdrivers, σιδηρολοστούς and various other evidence, which linked the perpetrator of many murders.

The Bonin didn’t regret ever for his actions
Despite the incontrovertible evidence, the Bonin denied his guilt. However, a few days after his arrest, he admitted that he had murdered 21 boys and young men, with the aid of accomplices.
Not stated remorse for his actions. “If I were free, I would continue to kill, to kill. I couldn’t stop. I would kill, I would kill. It would be very easy, after so many murders”, he would admit it shamelessly to the press.
In April 1981 led to a trial with charges for 21 homicides are premeditated, while there was the suspicion, and for 15 more murders, but which have not been verified.
As was expected, was found guilty by the court and sentenced to death.
“He’s the meanest man that ever lived”, had told the prosecutor on the offender.
The Bonin introduced in the prisons of San Quentin.
24 hours before the execution, in an interview to a radio station, said: “I Am reconciled with the idea that I will die. My only regret is that I didn’t bother ever, if you and I had the opportunity, with the bowling alley so I loved it. For anything else. As for the families of the victims, consider that my death would calm down, that will end the case. We’ll see if it will become so. The death penalty is not the solution to the problem”.
The Bonin was executed by lethal injection in 1996.
