The business discovery for dynamic and export-oriented crops – Thematic workshop for the Region of Western Greece

The methodology of Entrepreneurial Discovery is utilised by the… Region of Western Greece, for the specialisation of the actions of the priority areas, which could be the subject of funding.E. Western Greece 2014-2020 and of the NSRF 2014-2020 in general.
This action is done following the adoption of the Regional Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2014-2020 (RIS3 PIB) by the Regional Council and the European Commission.
In this context, is a thematic workshop: “Business Discovery on the specificity of actions that relate to dynamic and export-oriented crops of the Region of Western Greece”, Thursday 31 March 2016 at the Porto Rio hotel in Patras, greece, in time to start work at 10 in the morning.
The purpose of the workshop is the emergence and strengthening of projects of research development and innovation in priority areas of RIS3 for the Region of Western Greece, which includes the promotion of innovative projects of research development and innovation in the field of processing/standardization of agricultural products.
Anyone who wishes to participate may confirm their participation in the conference, by entering your details in the online form at the following link:
For any other information, you can contact the Service Address Development Planning of the Region of Western Greece e-mail: [email protected] or with the head of the Directorate of Lycurgus Σταματελάτο on the phone 2613613610 or fax 2613.613605.