The brilliant trick to say “good-bye” to the dust from your home with a balloon

The mites are tiny organisms that reside in each house, mainly in the bedbed, carpets, and furniture. At the same time, the dust clings to the curtains and penetrates into cracks and inaccessible surfaces, so cleaning the house is one of the demanding domestic jobs that often causes headache. CORVERSE However, there is a brilliant trick to get rid of dust and keep your head quiet, using, an object you may have forgotten in a drawer of the house from your birthday party. No matter how strange, this object is the balloon. Balloons are not only festive ornaments, but can be useful to say “good-bye” to dust, thanks to static electricity. CORVERSE Inflate a balloon and fasten its edge so the air doesn’t escape. Then rub it gently on a wool cloth (e.g. sweater) for about a minute. Then hold the positively charged balloon and pass it lightly along dusty surfaces. As you will see for yourself, the opposite charged dust particles are drawn and glued to a balloon, as is the case with a duster or microfiber cloth. At the same time, the soft texture of the balloon makes it particularly useful for items that can be destroyed if you use a vacuum cleaner, such as paintings or electronic devices (e.g. TV). Once you finish cleaning, throw the balloon in the trash. Make sure, however, that you run away in or over the garbage can, so that the dust is not dispersed in the rest of the house. You can also use the balloon air to remove dust particles from inaccessible points, such as your laptop keyboard or the charging port of a mobile phone, but also anywhere else it is impossible to reach with a typical duster. Fill a balloon with air and then keep the tip closed with your fingers. Then slowly release the air by loosening your grip to the points that cannot be easily cleaned from dust.