The beneficial properties of aloe to enhance the natural beauty

1) Strengthens and…
lengthen the eyelashes
If you’re not a friend of the extensions on eyelashes, then you can just try this vegetable recipe for a strong and long eyelashes. Mix a teaspoon of gel of aloe with one teaspoon of castor oil and applied with a clean brush on the eyelashes before bedtime. If you have never used aloe vera or castor oil, do a test during the day on your skin, to avoid any allergies.
2) it Acts on the dark circles
The aloe plant is a natural anti-inflammatory. Applied a dab under your eyes aloe gel. and you’ll see a noticeable difference renewal.
3) Natural make-up remover
Applied a gel of aloe on a cotton ball and remove the foundation and any other product from your face.
4) hair Treatment
Aloe contains from the nature of the pectin, which helps fight dandruff. Fluidized natural gel of aloe in the blender and with the quantity of do a short massage to the head and your hair. Then, implement it all over the scalp and leave it there for the whole night. In the morning you wash your hair, you’ll see the difference immediately in your hair.
5) Fight acne
The interior of this plant is medicine for the bacteria that cause acne on your face.
6) Strengthening of the nail
By applying an empowering tool products aloe, your nails will become instantly more shiny and healthy.
7) Soothing to the burns of the sun
The summer is not so far away as you think. Keep in your freezer with ice cubes of gel aloe vera, ready to relieve the burns of the sun.