The beach – next episodes: Grantus demands that Kerasia reveal the truth to Nicholas

What we will see in the next episodes, broadcast from Monday 20 to Thursday 23 January 2025, at 22:00. The tension between Grado and Kerasia continues, as he demands to reveal the truth to Nicolas. Demetrius shocks Mary with his confession to the attack on Margaret, bringing to light a violent incident threatening to break the fragile family balance. Grantos and Sephes clash openly, while Nona, in a moment of despair, forces Robert to undergo medical surgery. Manolis is seriously injured by a shooting during a violent confrontation, while Judith struggles to keep him alive. Mary confronts a subversive letter from her mother, revealing stories from her tragic past… The beach: Monday 20 January 2025, 22:00 Episode 67th: Margaret reveals to Mary the traumatic details of the attack she received, leaving open questions about the identity of the perpetrators and the connection to her past, while desperately seeking protection. In Matala, Iphigeny and the Apostle discuss Amy’s tragedy, while Iphigenia faces suspicions of a possible pregnancy, causing intense concern. At the same time, Sifis and Kerasia try to explain their feelings after a spontaneous kiss, while the tension between Grados and Kerasia continues, as he demands to reveal the truth to Nicholas. On the beach, Tommy’s birthday offers moments of joy, but also deep emotional charge. Nona is moved by her love, donating Tommy a valuable family heirloom, while Apostle and Maria try to support Tommy, who seems to be struggling with his own internal conflicts. The beach: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 22:00 Episode 68: Demetrius shocks Mary with his confession to the attack on Margaret, bringing to light a violent incident threatening to break the fragile family balance. At Anastasia’s cafe, Grantos and Shephes clash openly, with their clash taking a dramatic turn and stirring old enemies. At the same time, Nona, in a time of despair, forces Robert to undergo medical surgery, struggling with fear of loss, while their discussions highlight the intensity and deep love that connects them. At the same time, Apostle and Tommy come to a heated confrontation, with their friendship being tested by their internal conflicts and different perceptions of the future. Mary faces a subversive letter from her mother, revealing stories from her tragic past, sinking her into doubt. Judith, concerned about Manolis’ absence, discovers a threatening note revealing she is in mortal danger. The beach: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 22:00 Episode 69: Anastasia is in turmoil when Kolitsidakis proposes to her, but her concern about Shefi, suffering after a violent conflict with Grado, disconstrues her. Tommy, in a charged confession to the Apostle, reveals dark secrets about his past, leading the tension between them to a touching reconciliation. Mary faces a subversive letter from her mother, revealing stories from her tragic past, sinking her into doubt. Judith, concerned about Manolis’ absence, discovers a threatening note revealing she is in mortal danger. At the same time, Kerasia confronts Grado for his behavior and decides to keep the truth about Nicolas away from him, while Grados tries to apologize to Aria for his actions, with their relationship shaken. CORVERSE The beach: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 22:00 Episode 70: In the cave, Manolis is seriously injured by a shot during a violent confrontation, while Judith struggles to keep him alive. Mary takes care of him with total devotion, as his condition is critical. At the same time, Kolitsadakis pursues Berta and captures her, attempting to extract information about her gun and motives. At the house of Kerasia, Aria asks for guidance on her relationship with Grado, discovering new aspects of his character that worry her, while Kerasia offers her support. The Matala Square becomes a center for discussion and rumors, as residents try to understand what has happened, while Maria undertakes to manage the crisis, proving her leadership. They play : Dimitris Mothonaios (Haris Kalafatis), Maria Naupliotou (herra – Irini), Nicolas Zeginoglu (pitirikos – Manolis), Alexander Logothetis (Dionysis Archontakis), Dimitris Kitsos (Paul Archontakis), Betty Livanou (Nikolina Archontakis), George Ninios (Dimitros Archontakis), Mary Mina (Meri), Nicolas Papayannis (Mari), Evstathias Tsaparelis (Kerasia Mauritakis), Alexandros Moukanos (Papa-Nikolas Mauritakis), Katerina Yiriridou (Elenis Androulidakis), Gogo Kartsanas (Maria Savinis, Takis Papadelakis (Kostas Zafirakis), Maria Baganakis (Nonas Zinovakis (Nonavakis), Dimitris Xanthopoulos (Santis) The new characters that come in the “The beach” series: Venus Liadou (Iphigenia Toufexis), Alexia Kaltsiki (Fani Toufexi), Kostas Kappas (Christos Tufexis), Christos Kragiopoulos (Apostolos Toufexis), Denia Stasinopoulou (Sofi), Syrma Keke (Berta), Irini Gioti (Aria), Andriana Saranti (Yudith), Euthalia Papakosta (Eimi), Alkis Bakoyannis (Iakovos Gerontakis) Inspired by the original idea of Penelope Kourtzis and August Vaya. Scenario: Panagiotis Iosifelis Directed by: Stefanos Blatsos Director: Evi Vardakis, George Kikidis Photo address: Andreas Goulos, Angelos Papadopoulos Scene: Sophia Zouberi Clothing: Ninetta Zacharopoulou Makiyaz: Lia Protopapas, Elli Kriara Echoleia: Panayiotis Psemmenos, Socrates Basiakoulis Montaz: Christos Markakis Musicians-Stichians: Alex Sid, Dimitris Nasios (Quasamodo) Music edited by Asimakis Kontogiannis Casting: Hero French Production Organization: Dimitris Apostolidis Project manager: Orestes Plakias Executive producer: Vassilis Chrysanthopoulos Producer: Stelios Kotionis Production: Foss Productions Production: ERT. Beach: Monday to Thursday, 22:00 at ERT1.