The Balkan Route “Lives and Reigns” for Immigrants – In of€ 9,000, the Rate

Written by Christos Balkan*
It would be at least naïve to think that the Balkan route has been closed …
Just everyone looking for the right opportunity as long as they have the necessary amount, to come into contact with the appropriate dealer, who will take care of everything. Why all these παραμένανε in Eidomeni if you don’t have a chance, I just happened to see that you have to find the money and the right people. Of course, now things have evolved further and no longer need to stay in Eidomeni, but have organized the networks fine, and in the camps of migrants have been set up in all of Northern Greece. All of this is, of course, a product of imagination, in so far as it came to be the officially confirmed by the Serbian government, which sees it continuing to flow to the ground …
Thus, the immigrants are still traveling along the Western route of the Balkans, with 102.000 registered in Serbia from the beginning of the year. The Serbian minister of Interior Nebojsa Stefanovic, the minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Veteran Alexander Βούλιν and the minister of Health Zlatibor Λόντσαρ confirmed this in yesterday’s returns. Serbia will do everything to prevent the illegal entry to the territory, to protect its citizens and offers a humane treatment to immigrants, said the ministers, who are also members of the working group set up to address mixed migration flows. The ministers were found in Presevo, in southern Serbia, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of a local reception centre. Specifically, the Βούλιν reported that “a year Ago we proved that there is the balkan route. At one time, more than 600,000 immigrants passed through our country, and as from 1 January of the current year we have recorded 102.000 migrants crossing from Serbia, although the balkan route has been closed since the beginning of March. This means that the balkan route continues to exist”. On the same subject, the Stefanovic has stated that, “Serbia will not allow itself to become an area for excluded – abandoned migrants only and only because all the other countries have closed their borders,” “the mass closure of borders in Europe has lead to illegal trafficking in human beings that become more and more efficient. The smugglers take between 1,000 and € 9,000 of immigrants, but we will fight as hard as we can”, “migration flows, but up to now it’s increased” .
We believe that the movement has now found the balance of the circuits do the job just fine. As reported by the Serbian ministers, during the last three months, most of the immigrants crossed over to Serbia from Bulgaria. The Bulgarians so they understood what to do and facilitate the things and everybody wins. We hope at least in this sector, and Greece’s own successes.
*Christos Kalogeropoulos – Balkan
Strategic Analyst
Specialized in International Security Issues
in the Mediterranean