The 3 year old mother letter on the occasion of the case of the little Angel in Crete

A letter from a woman who was aware of the case of abuse to the death of the little Angel in which all Greece speaks. We publish this letter by giving you our readers and especially a mother of a 3-year-old child. CORVERSE “How many little angels must die to mobilize as a society? How many battered people have to become abusers for the state to take measures on prevention? All these days, reading about the case, I’ve been sick. It is impossible to passively accept such incidents, mourn and then forget. It’s everyone’s duty to protect the children, the future of our own kind. This should be the primary concern of all, the most basic instinct over and over personal survival. But there’s no point in judging just complaining. The following proposal aims to prevent such incidents of domestic violence and to save children in danger either within their own home or in their wider environment. CORVERSE Psychologists in all schools Integration of psychologists on a permanent, daily basis within schools of all grades, starting from kindergartens to high school. The two main work axes will be individual and group meetings with children. At regular individual meetings the pedophilia will be able to distinguish both any problems and psychological disorders, and possible learning difficulties. The child will feel that there is a man of confidence in the school environment to whom he can address for help. This is especially important in puberty, where children tend to close themselves, as well as in the preschool age that children find difficult to express verbally. In group classes children will be able with the help of the psychologist to settle disputes, share their concerns and learn how to solve their problems peacefully and calmly. As a child who lives in an abusive environment is likely to not understand the extent of the problem, being used to it, it is important that children learn what is okay and what is not about the body and behavior of themselves and the people of their environment. For children who are in pre-adolescence and puberty, ways of managing anxiety such as breathing, meditation, creative expression through the arts can be given, joining some volunteer group etc. Psychological support of families Every family, once they have children, should have to visit their designated family psychologist at regular intervals (e.g. once a year). The role of family psychologist will be multiple. Parents will be able to share their concerns about their relationship with each other and their relationship with children. If necessary, the psychologist will recommend additional sessions in order to solve the problem, or will refer the family to a body that can help them. The psychologist, with his experience, has a significant chance of identifying if something goes seriously wrong, as in cases of systematic abuse. An informal evaluation will be carried out, which, in the event of suspected abuse or neglect, will be promoted to the appropriate body for investigation. The first part of the school proposal has been notified to the Ministry of Education and I am anxious to see if there will be a response. Knowing the economic challenges that such action raises, I would like to stress that prevention has repeatedly proved cheaper than dealing with it. I’m making this known to help protect children as much as I can. Let us each take separately the share of responsibility that belongs to him and offer what anyone can, whether it is knowledge, actions, or simple interest. Perhaps this is how the day comes when we will be in a society in which we can live. The mother of a three-year-old