The Τωεετ of the Burning that ignited new fires in against the government….

And while the night showed that the government crisis, even temporarily, tends to prevent after the telephone contact…
who was the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras with Panos kammenos, chairman of Independent Greeks with a tweet, comes to only stoke the rumors about his retirement from the government.
On the phone this communication according to a senior government official has been the agreement of the two government partners, not to exacerbate further the climate and after the Summit to return to the question of mr Μουζάλα and reporting of Skopje with the name Macedonia.
Yes, there was optimism from executives of SYRIZA, mr. Kammenos will reconsider the matter and there will be, eventually, resignation or removal Μουζάλα by the government, after a new meeting Alexis Tsipras and Panos Kammenos after the Summit.
And while it all looked that will ultimately fall into the tones came a new tweet by Panos Burnt to blow everything up in the air, since he notes that what he has publicly stated is valid, and that the waiver Μουζάλα is provided. It doesn’t mention, of course, a prerequisite for what? Probably what he means is that the resignation of mr Μουζάλα is a condition not to withdraw from the government scheme.
The tweet comes after the telephone communication with Alexis Tsipras after having been preceded by intense behind-the-scenes actions with their two ministers, mr. Pappas and Κουΐκ to be the night at the home of Panos Kammenos in order to persuade him to change his stand and to relieve the government crisis.
However, on the morning of Thursday will be held the critical meeting of the Parliamentary Group of Independent Greeks, which he mentioned in his new tweet, and Panos Kammenos, and there seems to be taken of the decisions of the party as to whether they will remain or not in government.
Besides, earlier information indicated that there was an ultimatum by the Panos kammenos at Maximus in order to resign John Μουζάλας.
In front of this governmental deadlock, the Maximus looking towards the River, which, indeed, welcomes support in the person of mr Μουζάλα. It is not excluded, in fact, there have already been exploratory contacts with both the River and PASOK, but also the Union Of the in order to create a new inter-governmental cooperation.
It is not excluded, however, the issue Μουζάλα to be addressed in the context of a broader cabinet reshuffle, as well as the month of March has been designated by the same mr. Tsipras as the month of evaluation not only of the economy but also of the government itself.