The ΠΕΑΛΣ for women’s day

Read the announcement: “the Purpose of the enactment in 1975 of the… UN, of 8 March as ‘Women’s Day’ was to contribute to equality between the sexes, celebrating the achievements of women, highlighting their role in the shaping of history and reminding all of us that the woman’s power core.
Despite the fact that the path of women from the patriarchal societies up to today there has been a road with endless obstacles and few pleasures besides the equality between men and women in the European Union just came in 1957 with the Principle of Equal Payment at Work, part of the Agreement of Rome – these days the female sex starring in most walks of life and in the professional arena.
For the ΠΕΑΛΣ the 8th MARCH is a day of celebration for the claim of equal rights between women and men in the Bodies of Security and Armed Forces, at all levels.
As the percentage of women has increased significantly, we note ότιμέσα from the effective interaction of the elements forming the two sexes, we all become more effective cooperation and more efficient in the difficult task, for the good and continuity of a society.
In fact, the female’s value in the Security forces is emerging daily and in leadership positions. In particular, with regard to the Coast guard, with a look at the organizational staffing of the Service of our country, quickly one realizes that the female “scent” in Administration and management now holds an important position.
On the occasion of the day, we are asking our leadership to continue to strengthen and to cause the climbing of women Officers in positions of high responsibility and crisis management because we believe in women’s visual and perception and the decisive contribution to the success of the Body.