Thanasis flour: Outburst on air for Eurovision – “Are you not ashamed of big people doing so? “

‘ I wanted to open my mouth and say a lot,” he said among others about the negative comments he received after commenting on the song competition. Welcome to the show “Buongiorno” was invited by the well-known actor Tuesday morning (21.01.2025). Thanasis Alamias spoke of his cooperation with Jerome Kalutas and the negative criticism they received to cover the semi-finals and the Eurovision final last May. CORVERSE “There’s been a polarized situation for many years, that we don’t like, we go and cry it without mercy,” Thanasis Alamias originally said. And fill out: “In Eurovision I wanted to open my mouth and say a lot. Fortunately, I was restrained. Being 10 days longer than Erdogan and Mitsotakis on the news channels, from morning to night, upset me because I wasn’t used to it. CORVERSE The one with the nerves and the veins thrown out in the morning by some people and this coverage of journalism, it seemed a little… Aren’t you ashamed of grown-ups doing this? My famous friends who have been through this a lot, told me welcome, we have all been through it, eat it now.” “We were to do Eurovision and next year, we had discussed that we were going to do it and make a company etc. Things have changed,” Thanasis flour then added.