Thanasis Efthymiadis: Revealed what happened when he was baptized in Drama – “My grandfather was just”

The day of its nominal feast reveals how it was named “Athanasios”. Everything that happened before her, when Grandpa on his father’s side, asked not to hear his own name. So while everyone was expecting to be baptized George, the priest heard from the godfather, the name of his other grandfather. As Thanasis Efthymiadis reports, baptism took place in Kefalari Drama, his father’s village. According to tradition, as a first boy he would take grandfather’s name from his father’s side. CORVERSE Everyone in the church expected the name “George” to be heard by the godfather, but his grandfather, despite his strict character, showed magnanimousness. He asked the godfather to give the child the name of his mother’s father, as he was his first grandchild. So, to everyone’s surprise, the godfather replied “Immortal”. “My grandfather was fair” points out the popular actor, who described what happened that day, in front of dozens of guests in the Drama Church. “My baptism took place in my father’s village (Dramas Head). As was custom, since I was the first boy, they would give me my grandfather’s name on my father’s side. So everyone in the church waited as soon as the priest asked “and his name?” my godfather “George”. But my grandfather George Pontius, despite his abrupt and arduous character, was just and showed great heart he had secretly caught the godfather and told him “my name has already been heard in my previous grandchild, my other son and I don’t need to hear it again today. Give the child the name of my daughter-in-law’s father, who is his first grandchild.” CORVERSE So they were all speechless in the church when they heard my godfather answer the priest “Athanasios”. I’m sure my godfather would like it, since he was from the next village called: Agios Athanasios”, wrote Thanasis Efthymiades in his post, on Instagram. See this post on Instagram. The actor posted a photo of him on his personal Instagram account, initially wanting to publicly thank those who sent him their wishes. “Happy birthday to me. Thank you for your wishes”, he wrote at the beginning of the caption accompanying his photo.