Terrence Quinn: “The Expatriates, and they know me and I know them…”

The deputy Foreign Minister for Greeks abroad, Terrence Quick in responding today (06.11.2016) to a question by the ERT, stated the following…
“The Expatriates, and they know me and I know them. As he knows me and the Ministry of Foreign affairs. I was not just a diplomatic and political journalist, but a journalist who in addition to the individual issues of the diplomatic story, I had contact with throughout the Diaspora, in any part of the planet there is.
I have dealt for years with their problems and with their subjects, as also for years through the receivers of satellite tv was the communication and fellowship with the Greece – Home. To repeat, that they know me and I know them. And I am particularly glad that the prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in consultation with the President of ANEL Panos kammenos, has placed me in this position of great responsibility.
I have to say, but, as Secretary of state for Foreign affairs, from the very first day of taking-over of my duties, that I’ll be talking with Expatriates who express the wonderful and dynamic Hellenism of the Diaspora, and will not speak as representatives of parties. We’ll be talking about Greece in their thinking and not with the parties in their thinking. In the second home, I will be talking with from the same town and patriotic Greeks and Greeks, away from parties. In this particular case the party is one and it’s called Greece. It’s Called Home.
For the individual issues of concern to the Diaspora will come back on time and after make my first collaboration with the Minister of Foreign affairs Nikos Kotzias”.