TERMINATION by supplier Marinopoulos: “to survive in the Greek market we have to you owe miss and…”

Dear tromaktiko,
congratulations to the Μαρινοπούλο, Banks and above all in… the “left” government that showed us all of the entrepreneurs/suppliers that you don’t need to be a professional or a businessman in order to survive in the Greek ,in the phenomena of market other to have the right phones on the mobile and you owe a billion, not only not touching the estate of the κάκιστου not only of phenomena but also of the results of operator Costco other the reward already through the haircut of the debts that were created BECAUSE of mismanagement and not of the crisis, as well as owed(προ2007) to all those who speak Greek (and not only).
As a supplier for several years of the well-known chain, I can assure you that all WE paid, this deal happened, and when I say we I mean not only the suppliers but also all the citizens who think that saving A business, support the market.
As a trader, economist and supplier I want to point out to you that can be saved to 2,500 employees other indirectly will be left without a job MUCH MORE as well as the debts μετακύλησαν back to suppliers not only ΠΡΟΠΛΗΡΩΣΑΜΕ taxes for this money that we didn’T get any WHEN others force us ΜΑΦΙΟΖΙΚΑ to accept reductions in OUR OWN PROFIT 50% in order not to force the BANKS to account for WITHOUT ΕΧΕΓΓΥΑ loans get without checking to Costco and when I say ΜΑΦΙΟΖΙΚΑ I mean ΜΑΦΙΟΖΙΚΑ as the only real arguments were that it just won’t work together again, with no chain, and that we would not take any loan from any bank.
They did, however, and as always for all of you not privy to/knowledgeable of the trade have heard just what you wanted to hear, so allow me to present them from the perspective of the supplier
Awarded the bad business of the family Marinopoulos
Created a company NUTS who has NOTHING to do with the well-known supermarket chain (neither accounting nor anywhere else ARE TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES
The BANKS, once again, I don’t λογοδοτήσαν and will pay for all of us
The BANKS and NOT the suppliers (as was logical) have the right to buy up to 25% of the new company
Create a market monopoly in the market of Southern Greece, as well as de facto, there will be everywhere A company supermarket
They did INTERNAL ανακεφαλαιόποιηση of suppliers and NOT THE BANKS
Saved A BUSINESS of 2,500 employees and it will DESTROY 2,500 – 3,000 creditors/suppliers who definitely surpass the 2,500 employees of the Marinopoulos
Taxes for the other DEBTS of the cut WE the ΠΡΟΠΛΗΡΩΣΑΜΕ and that money just won’t ever see
ME, my personal property was touched by the Public of the Marinopoulos but there’s no reason
It doesn’T TESTIFY ECONOMIC ΙΣΟΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΥΣ here and 6 YEARS and somehow, magically, but receive and loans and all of that is that no one knows

You see injustice around you? He was SCARED of them… Send the complaint and the pictures of you on the tromaktiko! Is there a way to be heard…

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