The conflict between government and opposition over the tragedy in the Tempes, which dominates the political agenda after the January 26 rally, is growing. The government declares ready for a pre-daily debate in Parliament, SYRIZA asks for its immediate programming while PASOK has made known to submit a motion of mistrust after the Polytechnic’s findings. “The opposition to decide what it wants. Before the day or a motion of disbelief? We expect the government representative, Paul Marinakis, to discuss it with each other and tell us what they want,” stressed on Tembi, during the briefing of political editors today Monday (3.2.25). CORVERSE “We have said since the first time that we will answer point-point,” he said. Meanwhile, the President of SYRIZA, Socrates Famellus, asks by letter to the Speaker of the House, Nikitas Kaklamanis, the immediate planning of the discussion of the pre-daily order on crime in Tembis. “SYRIZA-PS K.O. expects an immediate response to its request, since it has already been a week since its testimony and the debate has not even been introduced into the planning of the House, although new shocking revelations about the circumstances of the accident are coming to light and society’s reaction to government cover-up plans is universal,” the President of SYRIZA stressed in a statement. “The society must be informed and Mr Mitsotakis must answer. He must come to Parliament and respect the parliamentary rule, rather than continue to hide,” he stressed.
Tempy: “War” of government – opposition for the pre-daily debate in Parliament – “To decide what they want”
in Policy