Tempe: This is the point of ignition of the lethal explosion – The documents that smell of wood

The first speculations about the killing that broke out of the “fire mushroom” after the shocking collision of the two trains in the 2 years ago, which cost the life to 57 people, confirmed the University of Ghent with new research. In the Live News show, the engineer, airman, engineer, Kostas Lakafosis, had “predicted” that the fire caused by the severe explosion, started from the first commercial train cars to collide frontally with the passenger train on 28 February 2023 in Tembi. CORVERSE For flammable liquid he mentioned the University of Ghent in his research, which was reportedly carried to the first wagon in a large quantity. According to the University, the weight of flammable fluids estimated to have been transported from the freight train was between 3.5 and 4 tons. Live News put the issue of the murderous explosion in the epicenter from the first moment. Costas Lakafosis, had even said that the fire may have started from the first three cars. The University of Ghent confirmed it as all it could fit at this point was a reservoir weighing 3.5 and 4 tons. CORVERSE “Through the images we find the spot where the ignition started. We know it happened where it was the first platform, between the engine and the other platform.” Documents that smell wood and toluene Again, according to what the University of Ghent’s research revealed, flammable liquids are reportedly the substances of xylol and toluene. These are substances used for adulterated petrol and alcoholic beverages. The relatives of the victims report that they carried the fatal train to Tempes, leading to the deadly explosion and death of 57 people. According to experts: “Information says that since early 2023 AADE took intensive controls on tankers and had caught several loads of wood and the distortion circuit was looking for other ways to download solvents from the northern border. Authorities know the circuit well. In this document AADE auctions: 26,871 liters of xylol and toluene found them and confiscated them. And it’s not the only one. In another document in 2023 he notes in Comments/ Comments: “A colourless clear liquid with a density of 0,749 g/mL. Mostly saturated straight and branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons (C5– C6), methanol (main ingredient) and toluene were settled. The product may be mixed with gasoline and fuelled gasoline engines may occur.’ The confiscated explosive charges Today Live News presents the auction sequence. As these documents go down, the quantities become inconceivable and terrifying. It is a total of 6 auctions from seizures of illegal solvents, xylol, the toluenes that can in the wrong circumstances cause the disaster. 2020: 26,871 litres 2020: 24,300 litres 2022: 46,640 litres 2023: 25,747 litres 2023: 22.777 litres “This is the ‘ holy chalice ’ of the poached glass and burned our children,” say relatives who insist that the investigations did not become as they should. The documents and much more like these will be included in their request that they be given the recording of firefighting communications and the images from drones. At the same time, they asked to know who took the confiscated ones, who won the auction, that is, but also all the documents relating to the transfer of the soil to the “trouble”. Stelios Sourlas, a Tembe family lawyer, spoke to Live News about his investigation into the smuggling of solvents into Greece. “The 6 documents are indicative not the whole. I have asked the next interrogator to investigate thoroughly how many loads have been confiscated, when and how they were transported, but where they went,” the lawyer stressed.