Tasos Giannitis: “Thank you PASOK for the extremely honorable proposal to be President of the Republic candidate”

A meeting with Tasos Giannitsi , proposed by the PASOK-Movement Change for her , had the party president , in his office in Parliament, at noon on Wednesday (16.1.25). In the dialogue they had at the beginning of the meeting, Nikos Androulakis thanked “from the bottom of his heart” Tasos Giannitsis “for the honor he does us, accepting our proposal for the Presidency of the Republic”, adding that “he honors the party”. CORVERSE “In his face we symbolize Greece of progress, Greece of predictability, Greece of responsibility, Greece of consistency. We have a duty to send a message that, along with sustainable development, a strong social state is needed, with services that will reduce inequalities and improve citizens’ lives rapidly,” said Androulakis. For his part, Tasos Giannitsis thanked Mr.Androulakis and the party’s Parliamentary Group “for the extremely honorable proposal to be a candidate for the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic”, adding that he owes it “to a party, which I served in many honorary positions”. “I owe it, first of all, to Kostas Simitis who recently left and that was very painful for many people. I owe it to Andrew Papandreou I worked with. I owe it to George Gennimata and many others. And I owe it to myself, because all this time as a university and not as a politician, I was a public figure in political positions, but I had no political career,” he stressed. As he noted, PASOK honored him and gave him the opportunity to do what he could to honor PASOK, “but mainly the area of people who want and look forward to a Greece and something better.”