New Support Left in her nomination for her may not mark the beginning of the dialogue about returning to SYRIZA those who left with the election of Stefanos Kasselakis politically however has its importance, as the two parties appear to displace PASOK in third place. At yesterday’s meeting of the New Left Central Committee, yes to the Katseli nomination passed 60%- 40%. Alexis Haritsis’ proposal to vote for Syriza’s candidate received 81 votes and 54 votes and there was 1 white. In the debate held by the 10 MPs who from the first moment were positive in the proposal for Luca Katseli among them Efi Achtioglu, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos and Nasos Iliopoulos argued why they should vote for the former minister of the SYRIZA government. Nikos Boutsis and Nikos Filis were also in favour of the support. Euclid Tsakalotos on the other hand and yesterday said no to such a move in the sense that collusion with Syriza can create other kinds of associations. Against it was Panos Skourletis. In the announcement issued by New Left, he stated among other things: “We support Lucas Katseli’s candidacy, a politician with a progressive political footprint, precisely because we do not intend to follow petty party record tactics”. CORVERSE For her part Luca Katseli with an announcement after thanking New Left officials for their support and stressing that “the nomination for the country’s highest office cannot be the subject of party competitions or arrangements. It must promote unity at both political and national level and mark the super-party character of the position of President of the Republic.” Dynamic return of Syriza With this data SYRIZA, after a long time of introversion and negative publicity, appears to be dynamically entering the political game and even on a subject such as the election of the President of the Republic. Koumoundourou’s proposal with the votes of the New Left and the 4 independent MPs as they all show will get 41 votes – if independent MP Michalis Hurdakis finally votes – while PASOK along with the independents -Petro Pappa, Burhan Baran and Rania Thraskias – who plans to vote for Tasos Giannitsi – will have 34. In Koumoundourou they do not hide their satisfaction that even in this way they take a head over PASOK. This is because they believe that the first serious political move they made came out against PASOK which waited for the Prime Minister’s proposal. More specifically Socrates Famellus appeared to exploit Harilau Trikoupi’s embarrassment and proposed Luca Katseli who socially marks something very important. The salvation of the first residence of over-indebted households in the years of memorials. In the following period the key account of the Kumoundurus officials that they voted for the citizens for a major opposition is expected to emerge communicationally. In fact, there are not a few who think that this move will have poll results. However, despite the fact that the officials of Koumoundourou appear at this time with confidence, they do not ignore the fact that the partnership with the New Left on this issue does not mean that their former comrades return to Syriza. After all, most people know that Umbrella will hardly consent in this scenario as its officials from Tsipras had serious objections to the policy pursued by Syriza. The truth is that if the conditions do not mature, nothing can go forward no matter how many people wish. So it is time that will show how and with whom Syriza can become a party of the main opposition. However, in its communication the New Left for the time being cancels every scenario by saying that “from the first moment the New Left supports joint action initiatives even on the minimum common basis of consultation. This will continue from positions of autonomy and left-wing direction. Political, strategic and merit differences were also very recently reflected in the budget debate. Every attempt to read behind joint initiatives to seek to cancel the autonomy of the New Left simply lacks seriousness and contact with reality.” At the same time, independent MP Giannis Sarakiotis explained why he would support Syriza’s candidate stressed that “the name of Ms. Luca Katseli” “if anything else has been associated with a law that tried to maintain social cohesion”. He even added that “Mr. Giannitsis had proposed a reform for which he failed to convince his party,” he also said.
SYRIZA: Satisfaction to support the New Left in Lucas Katseli’s nomination
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