SYRIZA: “Karfia” in PASOK for the Presidency of the Republic and optimism for recovery

The parties on the left showed up negatively in Constantine Tashoula’s nomination for his position accusing him of choosing a party nomination to solve his internal party issues. In Koumoundourou they even reminded of a statement made by Kyriakos Mitsotakis about the President of the Republic three months ago indicating the inconsistency of what he said with what he did. CORVERSE “It is important that the President of the Republic can have super-party characteristics […] I don’t think that the spirit of the Constitution is to choose a President who has only, purely partyal and not institutional characteristics,” said Kyriakos Mitsotakis said executives of Koumoundourou adding that by choosing Tassoula he disproved himself. SYRIZA executives were saying that together with the votes of the New Left they can be recorded in this crucial process as a second party leaving PASOK behind them, which is known to propose its own candidate. Such a development – if any – obviously creates impressions especially at a time when Harilau Trikoupi’s party wishes to be established in second place. CORVERSE SYRIZA officials consider PASOK to have been self-inflicted wanting to follow the government and today appears to be running behind the events. “It could if it wanted to respond to the call for a progressive nomination,” they say partners of the president pointing out that Lucas Katseli’s nomination fully meets the criteria of progressive nomination. At the same time, the two independent MPs coming from the Port of Liberty, Michael Hurdakis and his mother, Virtue Papaioannou, appear to discuss voting for Luca Katseli, making Socrates Famelou’s associates hope that something changes for their party. SYRIZA’s president commenting on the Tasoula nomination said that “Today Mr Mitsotakis proposed for the country’s highest state office an active New Democracy MP. Unlike the spirit of the Constitution and the traditions of the Third Hellenic Republic. He went on to a narrow party selection, subjecting the highest state institution to his internal party issues and problems. It proves to be inferior to circumstances’. New Left positively sees Katseli nomination The New Left met yesterday without however rushing to position itself although the information says that the majority of the executives see positively in favor of Lucas Katseli’s nomination. In a statement however he had said “Mr. Mitsotakis’s concern is to satisfy the Right-wing apartment building and its far-right tenants”. He did not leave outside the frame Syriza and PASOK for the silence they observed in Alexis Haritsis’ proposal for Christos Rammos. What arises is a reflection on the party nominations that already exist on the table, but also the fact that they light “green light” in Luca Katseli will be interpreted as a starting point for meeting Syriza. The attitude of independent MPs who left SYRIZA (Peter Pappas, Ranias Thraskias, Giannis Sarakiotis, Athena Linou) and have not joined or kept distances from Stefanos Kasselakis’ party.