SYRIZA: Institutional diversion like the 1965 apostasy says “87” about independences Jackris – Pulu

It is fired by the majority of its ’87s’ for the independence of MPs and Yota Pulou. ” Their names will stand next to the apostates and intertwined politicians of the country”, they argue, among others, sources of ’87’. “, ” they say, sources of “87”, “consist institutional diversion such as the 1965 apostasy because, with their attitude they falsify the will of the Greek people that gave Syriza-PS the role of the main opposition, and add: ” Their names will stand next to the apostates and intertwined politicians who acted and will always act as trustees of powers beyond the people. The new case of apostasy also solved the last questions of those who did not have or did not want to understand the meaning of Stefanos Kasselakis’ presence in the political events of the country, who undertook to satisfy the interests of conflict and the right, after planning and executing the alteration of the other popular verdict. Officials of interlocking and government interests are currently giving all their forces to ensure the interests of their sponsors and their unseen supporters. The strategic goal of altering the political architecture created by the progressive people by voting in the 2023 elections had both a plan and executive instruments that will remain sublime in the history of the country and no one will forget them. They aim, among other things, to make SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance a historical parenthesis, because they fear his inextricable ties to Greek society as a genuine expression of the interests of the popular majority. They are much more afraid of his political plan to reconstruct the progressive arc that can give progressive majority government in 2027. And that requires a SYRIZA-PS strong. In the republics, however, the seats are distributed by the Greek people and only they command the political forces and he alone can reclassify them. To the defectors who changed the ranking of the major main opposition we stress that they function as counterfeiters of popular will and that at this late hour they must return the seats to the voters of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance because they do not belong to or deserve them. We are sure that no political party, the current political system, is prepared to provide political shelter to tragic trustees, defectors and, of course, to incorporate political conspiracy seats. The isolation policy of the alienated politicians involved in this immunity is the only attitude that should adopt the whole political world towards them,” concludes the sources of the “87” for the independences of Theodora Jackris and Yota Pulou.