The submission of her request even today is requested by the person who is actually addressing PASOK, as the officials of Koumoundourou consider that they should not allow the government to handle the issue in communication. Especially after the scenarios heard that in order to cancel the motion of disbelief by opposition parties, Kyriakos Mitsotakis can take initiative and ask for a vote of confidence. SYRIZA President Socrates Famellus after saying yes to the pre-trial which he promised PASOK would testify in the course of the week asked for immediate submission of a motion of censure against the Prime Minister, stressing that this “is a one-way street”. CORVERSE “After the new evidence, the immediate submission of a motion of censure against the prime minister and the government of the Tempe crime continues to be a one-way street,” Socrates Famellus stressed. “The first pre-interrogation committee for possible criminal responsibilities concerning the Deputy Minister, Christos Triantopoulos, also becomes self-evident. To reveal his commanding officer. A pre-interrogation that must lead those responsible to their natural judge,” the president of Syriza completed. “But since Mr. Androulakis finds himself proving anti-institutional methods and asks for the nomination of Mr. Tasoulas, we insist on the motion of censure against Mr. Mitsotakis,” Socrates Famelos concluded. CORVERSE SYRIZA officials insist that the motion of censure should be made as soon as possible as it concerns the government’s overall attitude towards the rule of law. Why SYRIZA insists on speeding up the motion of disbelief was analyzed by Olga Gerovasil saying: “They are not right to believe that not all the evidence already exists, in order to now move on to a motion of censure,” he commented on PASOK’s stance and added: “What we expect from this three-day debate on the motion of censure is to reveal really everything that has happened about the serious injury suffered by the rule of law in the country. I remind you that the scandal of interception and its cover-up and archiving has been preceded and ultimately, the most serious issue of Tembes crime and the previous day we saw the findings of the Citizen’s Counsel on the wreck in Pylos, where it seems that the same method of cover-up has been followed, as data from cameras have disappeared, from mobile, conversations and are already assigned responsibilities to eight officers of the Port and Coast Guard and, of course, we all remember the intervention of the Independent Authorities. The issue is much wider and concerns the blow to the rule of law and that the government is accountable for all of this.” “Wait” is a caging strategy Kumundurus officials leave at the same time a reproach for the waiting position that follows in PASOK, as they consider that the government can ultimately control the situation as it has many communication weapons. “Androulaki’s strategy “wait” on all issues, is a strategy to encapsulate the progressive party in government initiatives,” they say. SYRIZA spokesperson George Karameros even appeared particularly critical of the tactics followed by Nikos Androulakis saying that… “PASOK has another strategy. He says, wait. What should we wait for? Should the government adjust its communication strategy? Try to cover up her contradictions? Change the political agenda? The strategy of ‘wait’ is, in our opinion, a strategy to encapsulate the progressive party in government initiatives. Unless they believe that in the New Republic they sit weak and wait. To our friends from PASOK I would like to remind you that the strategy of “wait” has failed recently on the issue of the Presidency of the Republic. Every five days they come to Parliament and they realize it. They didn’t draw any conclusions from it?” And he added: “SYRIZA asks Mr Mitsotakis to come to Parliament and tell us why it was a “bad moment of inquiry”, when they did not call the critical witnesses, but they made eight members of the Commission from congressmen. Because we were told that the Committee of Inquiry was ‘rural’. Because he came out and said that the crime scene was done for a “good cause”. That’s what we want him to come and tell us in Parliament and not let him come whenever it suits him.”
Syriza insists on a motion of disbelief “here and now” and pushes PASOK
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