He goes through the counterattack and attempts to defend his rule when she tries to cancel any scenario of cooperation SYRIZA – PASOK recalling the vulnerabilities of that period. Many executives of SYRIZA believe that they should project at that time, to remind that the SYRIZA government had a positive project. And therefore remind them that SYRIZA has been a government party to indicate that he remains a party of power. CORVERSE In Koumundurus there was the thought of holding an event on 24 January but after recent developments on the issue of the President of the Republic he was transferred for later. However, a Central Committee of Syriza is expected to be held to send a message of unity and continuity to society. Meanwhile Socrates Famellus in an article in Dawn entitled “The messages of 2015 today” said that he considers top deposits of 2015 – 2019 , economic and development policy, social state and geopolitical support of the country. And by doing a bridge with today, he does the analysis that the government term of 4.5 years was also a product of the partnerships, which he is also seeking today. It is indicative that he concludes with the point that “the political overthrow in 2015 was because the need of the social majority met with the choice of the Left to assume government responsibilities. We proved that things can be done differently. With collaborations and society not compatible and claiming. This is also the best deposit for today.” CORVERSE Within this framework and in order to prove that SYRIZA is the main opposition party despite being in third place today due to developments with Stefanos Kasselakis, Socrates Famelos holds a series of meetings with representatives of all economic banking, judicial and business operators in the country. Yesterday he met with the Association of Cooperative Banks of Greece. At this meeting the president of SYRIZA stressed that “it would be very important at a time when in Greece we have banks to treasure and entrepreneurship and society to be strained, to discuss another model of banking operation.” He also referred to the very large issue of the interest rate difference, stressing that “the major issues of supplies, borne by both households and businesses and linked, both, to the excessive, unjustified profits of the banking sector, which will reach 4.5 billion this year. All this, combined with the lack of liquidity in small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, which we are very interested in all and all, because we want real growth to be fuelled.” He added that small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and farmers and traders and scientists need a working capital or basic funds for their operation, which microcredits can contribute. Today the president of SYRIZA will meet with the Association of Justices and Prosecutors and the Chairman of the Competition Committee, Irene Evelyn Michaela Mary Sharp.
SYRIZA goes into counterattack with spearhead his government service
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