SYRIZA for Chardalia: Four questions about the revelations and one about Mitsotakis covering him

“It’s been a day and Mr. Chardalias is pulling his tail out, making threats but he hasn’t answered on the merits,” SYRIZA says.

In its communication entitled ‘four questions for Mr Chardalias and one for Mr Mitsotakis covering for him’, the main opposition asks the following questions:

“1. Why did he not even order a self-evident SAD to investigate the revelations? What’s he afraid of?

2. Why doesn’t he sue Civil Protection officials if what they say in their conversation about a “Hardalia order” to enter the country without control of febrile Fenerbahce members is false?

3. Why do state officials use “Pakistani” phones as mobsters? What do Mr. Chardalias and his subordinates have to hide and from whom are they guarded?

4. To buy “Pakistani” phones voted to have Civil Protection secret funds?

And finally a question for Mr Mitsotakis: How long will he continue to whistle indifferently and cover for Mr. Chardalias?”