SYRIZA: Exasperating the new attempt to cover up Tembe crime by the South West

An announcement was issued by the New Democracy’s “new “episode” in the attempt to cover up their crime” that “is even more sad and more infuriating than it can conceive human minds.” In his announcement SYRIZA specifically states: “According to what the New Democracy MP Mr. Makarios Lazaridis said and repeated in different media, Mr. Adonis Georgiades and Angelos Syrigos, the bust of the area, which “is not exactly a mess”, was because six days later they were heard by the wreckage of human voices calling for help. “Why did what is not a mess happen? Because the cranes had to try to lift the wagons because there were even voices, Mrs Anastasopoulou, to see if there were either victims, or people who needed help,” he said. Syriza asks: “There were, therefore, six days after survivors under the wagons? Were there, in fact, so many days after the accident, victims who were smiling and calling for help? Or does Mr. Lazaridis come to the point of making such a morbid lie to justify the unjustifieds?”. “How much longer can the relatives of the victims bear this mockery, but also the whole society?” he comments. He states that “it is unthinkable until they can arrive to sustain the account of the non-responsibility of the government of the New Republic and Costas Ah. Karamanlis about crime” and points out that “there must be an end to vulgarity. Now”.