Such wood? Never again! See how it reacts to cheating husband when she sees him with a girlfriend [video]

Made them… it pours literally!
Around the world make this video with a mad wife who catches you in the act her husband with another, as not only is she caught them in the act, but also ξεμάλλιασε and with all of the power of the mistress of the…
In the video a man was sitting with two other women and drinking beer, when all of a sudden his wife “stormed” into the store and with all her strength she hit him first and then he grabbed you by the hair of the woman sitting next to him.
The scene does not stop here, as the furious husband throws chairs to anyone who finds it, chasing woman on the road and beating the man, who is trying to overpower.
And while the cheating he had done it all “glasses – nails”, is displayed, and a friend, which is trying in turn to injure the “illegal” couple.
Soon, the customers of the bar stepped in to protect the lover from the non-stop wife, but that he targeted her husband with the result that the two of them rolling around on the asphalt “playing” punches and kicks.