Street traffic: Traffic chaos in Knife, Kephisia, and Attic Street

With inconvenience for drivers starts the week, as on many roads it is particularly observed, with vehicles on, Kifisia Avenue and Attic Road almost immobilized. Specifically, there are large delays in Kifissos from time to time in both currents, from the height of Egaleo to Metamorphosis. CORVERSE Similar is the image in L. Kifisia, with the biggest problems being found in the rising current. Increased movement is also observed in L. Mesogeion, but also in Katehaki. Traffic “embarrassment” is also observed on roads in the center of Athens, with the biggest problem being located on Vass Avenue. Constantine. DIVERSE Similar are the images that come from Piraeus. Chaos and Attic Street With patience the drivers who are currently moving on the Attic Road must be “armed”. The current to airport records delays from 15 to 20 minutes from the world of Metamorphosis to the hub of Kifisia. At the same time, there are delays from 10 to 15 minutes at the exits to Lamia (current to airport and Elefsina).