Still On The Eve Of Financial Destruction

and/or government computers by engaging in inappropriate behavior on the job, e.g. the SEC porn scandal.

5) Institute legislation that would terminate government pension plans for any employee with less than five years service and any future government employee that is eventually hired. Very few private sector employees now receive a traditional pension, there is no reason that newer Federal government employees should receive one. (Step 9 from “Love My Country, Loathe My Government”)

6) Freeze all government employee raises for an indefinite period. Recent salary surveys have indicated that Federal government workers now make more in salary than 80% of private sector people in comparable jobs, they can stand a little salary freeze relative to the rest of the country.

7) Begin legislation to raise the retirement age to 70 over time and restrict those that receive Social Security to only those with total assets less than million. (Step 11 and Step 12 from “Love My Country, Loathe My Government”)

8) Begin a five year program that reduces spending across all Federal bureaucracies by 10% a year, no exceptions, and which starts with a zero based, ground up approach of looking at current expenditures and programs and terminating them that serve the least purpose and consolidating those that are redundant. This includes a total audit of all government budgets under the strictest audit/accounting guidelines possible to find excess and fraudulent use of taxpayer money. (Step 1 and Step 46 from “Love MY Country, Loathe My Government”)

9) Start selling off government assets as efficiently as possible whether it is buildings, material, land etc. and direct the proceeds of those sales directly to debt reduction activities.

10) As a symbolic gesture, ask Congress to eliminate the Congressional salary for all Congressional members with a net worth over million. It makes no sense for substantial millionaires like John Kerry (rich from marrying into the Heinz fortune) and other politician millionaires to draw a salary when we are sinking in debt.

11) Eliminate all Federal earmarks, estimated to current exceed over billion in waste a year

12) Identify and begin eliminating all Federal programs and projects that do not benefit a large number of residents from at least five states. (Step 44) from “Love My Country, Loathe My Government”)

These are steps that will need to be taken at some time, why not start now and get a head start on the commission? The commission does not have to be the only vehicle for answers to our growing debt. The above steps are simple, easy-to-understand with the least amount of short term harm to the weak economy and those in need in the country. I do not agree with those that think we need more deficit spending to cure the economy. We need to be more efficient with the money we have now, and use it more productively. Adding to the debt with more deficit spending just makes the chances of us, and our children and grandchildren, surviving the debt crisis all that more unlikely.

Unfortunately, simple and easy-to-understand is probably not enough to get the political class to start acting on the crisis. They are more worried about getting reelected than fixing the country. It’s called leadership and why would we expect any from those that represent us today? It would be the first time they ever did any courageous.

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Bruno Korschek
About the Author:

Our new book, “Love My Country, Loathe My Government – Fifty First Syeps To Restroing Our Freedom and Destroying The American Political Class” is now available at and online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Article Tags:
obama, deficit spending, natinal debt, political class, love my country, loathe my government, economy, eve of destruction

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