You were spent the holidays with Steve Duzos who, in addition to the recent adventure with her, also talked to him about fighting cancer. “I got in, I got a virus, then I got covid and Christmas and New Year’s I stayed in hospital. That didn’t affect my overall situation. I’m a rock, I don’t chew. Normally my little life,” Steve Duzos told ANT1. CORVERSE “I fought it fine now. Thank God, I’m doing my treatments, I’m taking my meds, I’m normal, everything’s fine. It takes nothing away from me, my rides, my bike, my family. I’m in a good mood, I deal with it properly, and it doesn’t hold me back to anything. I mean, I’m not poor, you know? You have to fight it,” he said at another point regarding the fight it fights with cancer. On the occasion of Dionysis Savvopoulos’ confession through his biography of his own battle with cancer, Steve Duzos reported: “Dionysis is a fighter has proven it. He’s a tough nut. Medicine has gone too far now. Cancer must be treated, so I got over it in a month. Science has gone too far now, that is, it’s all handled. You’re dealing with it in a good mood, being a fighter, son, not being thrown. So you have to believe it first that you’re gonna win it, and then it comes from itself. So that’s what I did, so I said nothing kneels and I fight it. The best medicine is internal power”. Finally, for his support from his wife, Steve Duzos said: “Always, always goes nowhere. I have worried her too many times, she is not the first nor the last.”
Steve Duzos for the fight with cancer: “I am rock, I do not chew – You must fight it”
in Lifestyle