Stefanos Kasselakis: Which MPs are likely to follow him to the new party – The confident, the indecisive and the questions raised

A new party with a name that has not yet become known will have since Saturday, November 23rd. The big “bet” of its former president is to manage to create a Parliamentary Group. The moment SYRIZA permanently lost the position of the main opposition, which was occupied by PASOK, the fallen party leader, Stefanos Kasselakis, measures in reverse to announce his own. After the independence of two other MPs, Theodora Jackris and Yota Pulou, Syriza stayed with only 29 MPs. According to Live News and Christina Korai’s report, some await the correlations that will be formed and polls. However, the “sure” MPs expected to join Stephen Kasselakis’ party are – as experienced political reporters say, the following five: Alekos Avlonitis, Rallia Christidou, Theodora Jackris, Giota Poulou and Evangelos Apostolakis. (EUROKINISSI) Nina Kassimatis is ranked “undecided” as she has not yet stated her intentions, although she had expressed herself positively in favour of Stephen Kasselakis. On the other hand, the MPs Petros Pappas, Giannis Sarakiotis and Giorgos Gavrilos are “inquiries”. The latter two have yet to decide on their independence and membership of the new party. With the data so far, finally, the 10 Members that Stefanos Kasselakis needs to set up a parliamentary group do not exist.