Stefanos Kasselakis is suing Paul Polakis

As part of the advertising campaign for his book Stefanos Kasselakis comes back attacking Syriza and even suing Paul Polakis for what the SYRIZA executive has said so far. With a post that makes no sense but shows that the former president of SYRIZA will not hesitate in the face of anything in order to go back to the public he is against his former comrades and especially against Paul Polakis. CORVERSE In SYRIZA they point out that Stefanos Kasselakis does what he does to lure the strains of Koumoundouros into the “both” which he has created around him. “He sees that he no longer has any future and is resorting again to the attacks against Syriza,” they say. They add that it is a desperate move as the head of the Republic Movement realizes that his book will go out because of the news. On the day the Prime Minister presents it, he will have a meeting with the President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, while the information says that he cannot announce his proposal for the new president. CORVERSE Of course everyone expects Paul Polakis’ reaction since Stefanos Kasselakis according to what he says in his post has appealed to Justice. More specifically, the head of the Republic Movement in post reads: