Unknown background from the Prime Minister’s period revealed Monday evening (03.02.2020) by . The well-known journalist and former politician spoke about the proposals he had then accepted to participate in the SYRIZA – ANEL government as head of “Potamiou”. In an interview with SKAI, Stavros Theodorakis also referred to the negotiation of the government of Alexis Tsipras with the Troika in 2015, but also to the historic referendum of the summer of the same year. CORVERSE Stavros Theodorakis described the two meetings he had with Alexis Tsipras. The first was the day after the election, where he was invited by the then newly elected prime minister, in an attempt by Syriza to increase the government majority. However, as Stavros Theodorakis describes, when he went, Alexis Tsipras, who had already agreed to the formation of co-government with the ANEL of Panos Kammenos, suggested that he participate, but refused. CORVERSE The second meeting took place after the elections in September 2015, to which Alexis Tsipras appealed after the referendum of “Yes” and “NO” in the measures required by the Institutions. “I was told ‘you will get more ministries from Burning”, the president of the “Potamios” revealed. Stavros Theodorakis had also spoken in the past about the referendum, revealing that at that time the then Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras had the confidence that Russia and especially Vladimir Putin would help Greece.
Stavros Theodorakis: Tsipras gave me more ministries than Burned
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