STATISY: “At an instant opening and closing of doors and the train was evacuated”

The employee’s complaint that the doors of a train were opened while running a route was answered by its management . In an announcement about the incident STAY mentions one between the stations of the HSAP Upper Patesia and More. CORVERSE As the STAY reports, the train was immediately evacuated and withdrawn, while a thorough check is being made to determine the problem. “On 1 January, at 6:25 in the morning, on a train of Metro Line 1 between stations A. Patissia and More there was an instant opening and closing of doors. The train was evacuated to the Moresus station, retired from traffic and was taken to the repair base, where the cause that caused the door malfunction is sought. In progress it is a thorough check by the technical staff of the STA. S.A. This train has joined Line 1’s 14 train renovation program, which is being implemented at this time” points out in its communication STAY.