Stationary the state of health of the police – One match volleyball with the aim of strengthening the family of

The days pass slowly and painfully for his family… Kostas Λεονταράκη, 35χρονου police officer and athlete of the volleyball, who, in early September, within a few seconds he saw his life changes.
The 35-year-old police officer who was in a car accident on the coastal of Heraklion, three months later, remains a patient in the Neurosurgery Clinic, in stable condition, but without the health to show some particular improvement. The gentlemen and his friends are on the side of the family 35χρονου, hoping to become the “click” and the Costas to make it. But at the same time take action, organizing a volleyball game in order to support the family of a police officer.
On 10 January the team of volleyball of the OFI, in which he was struggling Kostas Λεονταράκης until the 4th of September will be found in the field in the context of a friendly match with a team formed by friends of the Costas. The proceeds from the sponsors and the tickets will be donated to the family of 35χρονου a police officer.

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