‘ He told me that to my face. I knew it. I was equally pleased to accept it.” said one of the critics of the Athenian Nega in Action 24 was Spyros Poulis, who spoke about the comment made by Dimitra Galanis that he is a falsos. ADVERSE “I think I’m a falsian. We once performed and Dimitra Galanis did the music. Actors used to come by and talk. Galani said there is no bald man and leave the nonsense.” “He said come on Spyro and then there’s a falsus. He told me that to my face. I knew it. I was just as happy to accept it.” “I was bored with the lesson of orthophony and music. In acting class, I never missed an hour. In the orthophony I was bored and tired.” Spyros Poulis confessed. “I have sung in some performances. Because I’m a Continental, when I said continental, they told me I said it well. “
Spyros Poulis: I’m a falsian, Dimitra Galani told me
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