Spiritual Voluntary Blood Donation

Elijah Σχορετσανίτη, Economist MSc
Last Tuesday, the 14th June, he was awarded the “international Day of the Volunteer blood Donor”. It is a day dedicated to those who donate a part of themselves… people who are in need of this valuable commodity. Voluntary blood donation is an act of love towards fellow human beings and we all the φυλάττουμε as such in our consciousness.
There is, however, another type of voluntary blood donation for which I would like to talk to you. Another donation which is able to save not only a man, but the gender of the Greeks, and all mankind. It is the spiritual blood donation and the first record of a volunteer this is the Prophet Elijah.
In the life of the Prophet Iliou in the Old Testament we read that the prominent Prophet of Israel Ελισσαίος received the Grace of the Prophet Elijah, who symbolically gave him the μυλωτή (garment sheepskin). In other words, by means of Elijah was given to Elisha the grace of God to prophesy and miracles, the most valuable, responsible and humane. And indeed, elisha performed more impressive miracles than the Prophet Elijah.
In the bleak days that we live in a time where people are sick from the passions of the soul, we urgently need “blood”. We need the favor and blessing of God in our every step. But how to ask for what you need when you are not aware of your situation? How to search for the grace of God and the people, when you do not receive even the gift of the blood of Christ? As in the natural blood donation is not capable of all to provide blood for a number of reasons, so in the spiritual blood donation few are those who can offer. But it can offer endless quantities, all over the world.
In the long history of our Faith, many Saints have received the grace of the Holy Spirit from spiritual blood donors. In our days both the St. Paisius, and the Saint Porfyrios received the grace of the Spirit by two Russian monks, a sample of universality that should govern the voluntary offer. Maybe the modern ones Saints to become the same spiritual blood donors, about us, about our days. It is neither random, nor literary significance of the words of Saint Porfyrios: “I See through the calamity to get a very great man of God, who will συνεγείρει and will unite the world for the good.”
These words mean to me that despite the difficulties and the spiritual disorientation of us, God has not forgotten us. He loves us and is waiting for us close to Him. And me and the whole world, because this is the centuries the Love for the creature. Let us understand, then, our situation and the dire need of humanity for spiritual blood. The need of mankind for Saints. It can only shine out Greece again and the light to banish the darkness that covers desperately the world. Otherwise ματαιοπονούμε and we strive unjustly, being in the wrong direction.
The Prophet Ελισσαίος was the spiritual blood of the Iliou, and also benefited the people of Israel not only θαυματουργώντας, but contributing as a leading personality in the political issues. “Coincidentally” the memory of the prophet Elijah, the first “spiritual αιμολήπτη” is celebrated by our church on the 14th June.

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