Sphord attack Jackris in Polakis: He’s pathetic – he keeps the lantern for others

He was attacked by the independent MP now commenting on the new era in SYRIZA. A few 24 hours after the election of Socrates Famellus in Syriza’s “timony” Theodora Jackris estimated that the conflict between the party’s new president and Paul Polakis is scheduled. In fact, she, speaking to SKAI on Tuesday morning (26.11.24), described Mr. Polakis as “unspoiled”, saying that he “holds the lantern for others”. As he said, to “SYRIZA they abolished themselves” and said of course for a new split. Referring to Stefanos Kasselakis’ new party, he said other SYRIZA officials would come to it. “Of course we will work with PASOK and other parties,” he noted.