Spain: The government of just 15 ministers

Just… 15 ministers of the new Spanish government of Mariano coal ash spill, which was set up after the vote of confidence received by the president of the…
People’s Party, putting an end to the political deadlock of 10 months.
The decision of the coal ash spill to give portfolios to all 15 ministers in a country of over 46 million people, caused a great deal of sense, however in Spain there are local governments.
The executives of the new government, as expected, were found in the crosshairs of the local MEDIA, which is investigating the past. Thus, as shown, 69% of the ministers were members of the Public Sector. In addition, with regard to the studies, both the the coal ash spill, and 77% of the ministers are lawyers.
On the question of equality of races, 38% of the new government are women, with representatives of gender both in the vice presidency, and the state department. Defense.
Finally, 69% of the government’s members, far exceeding the ratio of 50-50 between parliamentary and εξωκοινοβουλευτικών members of the government, which was in force until today.
Spain without government: unemployment fell, soaring tourism and GDP
Feel they also cause the data of the Bank of Spain for 300 days of the Spain went away with the caretaker government. In particular, foreign investment in the country increased by 54%, while the unemployment rate fell below 20%, for the first time in six years. GDP is expected to grow by 3.3% this year, while tourism has broken every record.
In detail, direct investments in the country reached 26,7 billion euro. According to the data of the Bank of Spain, only in August 2016, the foreign investment reached 4.5 billion. euro, compared to only 1.9 billion. the corresponding month of 2015 (+54%).
As for the GDP, the latest prediction is that it will be closed with a rise of 3.3%, the biggest increase since 2007. It is characteristic that the number that is higher than the prediction, both the caretaker government and the IMF.
In the last quarter of 2016, the unemployment rate broke -down – and 20% without, of course, this does not mean that the picture in the country is satisfactory, since there are at least 4.3 million people without a job.
However, the active population is now 18.5 million.
The news is even better on the front of tourism, heavy industry of the country. According to the data of the competent institution, the arrivals by the end of 2016 will reach 74 million -six million more by 2015.