So you will lose weight without diet and exercise – The secret 30 minutes before each meal

Obesity is a growing threat to public health at a global level and, unfortunately, our country is no exception…
But according to a new study, to lose the pounds you don’t need to do a “titanic” effort, since, according to the researchers, the consumption of 500 ml of water 30 minutes before each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) can help to a very significant extent.
It is well documented that water is necessary for our health. It helps us to sweat out the harmful toxins from the body, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, lubricates joints, regulates body temperature and protects the organs and tissues of the body.
For the purposes of this research, scientists from the university of Birmingham in England examined the cases of 84 obese adults, which split up randomly into two groups. The members of the first group had the directive to consume 500 ml of water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal, each day for 12 weeks. The rest of the participants had a directive just to imagine that their stomach was full before each main meal.
All participants received advice weight management as part of the experiment, on how to improve the diet and levels of physical activity.
In comparison with the second group, the members of the first lost an average of 1.3 pounds more in weight during the 12 weeks. Specifically, lost an average of 4.3 pounds, while the members of the first group lost an average of only 0,8 kg.
The head of research, dr Helen Parretti, argues that this research provides “early results” for the positive effect of water on weight loss effort and think it is a very simple tip that anyone can follow.
An exception is some people with certain diseases, such as heart disease and kidney failure, which the consumption of half a litre of water before each main meal may not be appropriate.
In any case it is wise to inform your doctor of any significant change in your habits, before you start to apply.
The research was published in the scientific journal Obesity.

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