Snik on domestic violence reports: “Being successful in Greece is a criminal offence”

New series of stories, he posted on Instagram O , on Monday night (03.02.2020) speaking visibly upset about the reports on his partner’s expense. Breaking out in all directions and arguing to the end that he did not exercise any domestic violence on his partner, Snik threatened lawsuits and explained that he is no longer at home because the cameras are after him. CORVERSE “Wait for lawsuits tomorrow, TV trash. You handle the world and promote those who drink our blood all these years. You’ve been fighting me since the beginning of my career and every one of you gets the @@@. You should be ashamed of yourself. Being young and successful is probably a criminal offence,” he wrote on a photo. “You can’t block the sun,” he said speaking to his followers. CORVERSE A few hours earlier, “Good morning, guys, I just woke up and I see some articles… You reporters of life, you pedophile perverts, again dust in the eyes of the world, are you making new ones again? It’s two days to get my record off again. And you’re ringing the bells at my house. Don’t let anyone hit my house again because they will have lawsuits against you who will actually be valid,” he says in the same video. “Hey, old-timers to get a 50-euro, licks crawling on the floor, police looking for me? You are finished rinsers” then adds while showing the camera his partner. Shortly afterwards, explaining that he had a panic attack, so he called the police. Throughout the crisis, Snik said, he was trying to protect her.