Smart tips so you don’t cry when cutting onions

Onion is a widespread one located in every kitchen and gives flavor to several foods, and it is one of the ingredients of traditional village salad. This vegetable contains organic sulphur compounds. These compounds are also why onions have such a strong taste and smell. CORVERSE But when we chop the onions to make our food, we usually tear. I wonder why? Onions contain compounds called amino acid sulfoxides. However, enzymes (alinase) are also found in onion cells, which are kept separate from amino acid sulfoxides. When we cut the onion, and the barks are destroyed, then they release these enzymes and produce sulfonic acid. This gas just comes into contact with our eyes, causes irritation and makes us cry. However, there are some smart tips, so you don’t cry when you cut the onion on the cutting board, either on wheels or on cubes. ADVERSE the kitchen Before you start cooking, open the kitchen window for the best air circulation. So make sure to cut the onions into well ventilated space or near the absorber. Cutting knife Use sharp knife when cutting onions. In this way, you will not completely destroy onion cells and thus reduce the chances for gas release. Cold water Place the onions in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before cutting, as low temperature reduces the enzyme activity. Alternatively, you can immerse them in a bowl of cold water to limit the release of gases that cause eye irritation. Do not cut the root of the onion Most of the substances that cause tears are at the root of the onion, so if you remove it with a large slice before cutting it, the amount of enzymes released into the air is reduced.