There is great concern in recent years that data on the pancreatic that is high. A significant increase in its frequency has occurred over the last five years in pancreatic cancer, with its diagnosis usually being done at an advanced stage. Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive neoplasm, often diagnosed as being indisposed and – with the data to date – with high mortality, but also short survival even in cases of early treatment. However, the progress achieved is notable, contributing decisively to the effective treatment of both early and advanced diseases. CORVERSE This is highlighted by the organizers of the monothematic conference “Touching pancreatic cancer”, which will take place on February 8, at the AUTH’s KEDEA. During the conference, the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease will be presented by qualified experts, which are estimated to enrich the therapeutic quiretre for the most effective treatment for the benefit of patients. Among the topics to be discussed at the conference include those relating to the biological behaviour of pancreatic cancer, its diagnosis, surgery and oncology, invasive radiology and demographic data. The conference is co-organized by the Fifth Surgery Clinic and the Oncology Department of the Medical Inter-Balcanian and the Unit of Surgery Hepato-Holihor Pancreate of the University of Ioannina.
Significant increase in pancreatic cancer over the last five years
in Greece