Shower in the morning or at night? What benefits has each case.

Half of the people prefer to take a shower in the morning, when they wake up from a night’s sleep, and the other half just before falling to sleep at night…
Experts advise, in any case, don’t use daily shampoos, shower gels and a lot of soap, because αφυδατώνετε your skin more than it should.
The habits of each of us in the shower is a purely personal matter. Most people in the developed world, with the abundant availability of water that they enjoy, make it a day.
In general, the shower is considered as most hygienic way to wash from the bathroom, where the body soak the whole into the full tub, and in water that is filled with dead skin cells and other impurities. Experts warn that the daily shower, pleasant and desirable -especially in times of excessive heat and excessive sweating – and if it is, it is not always necessary, because it dries out the natural oils that protect the skin.
The “aggressive treatments” with plenty of soap which may contain δαφναιθοθειϊκό sodium, and parabens can cause excessive dryness and increased sweating.
But when is best?
In the morning or evening and why? It depends on what you want.
See what are the advantages in each case to know what’s better for you:
The benefits of the shower in the morning
– “Wakes you up” better than coffee. Stimulates circulation and speeds up the heart rate and allows better concentration in the morning.
– It is best for people with oily skin, the night sweat it stays all day on the surface of the skin and can clog pores. It is also best to use lukewarm water.
– Relieves better muscle tension and is a great way to reduce the stiffness of the neck or the pain in the back.
The benefits of the shower in the evening
– It’s a great way to relax after a hard day at work or after an afternoon evening visit to the gym. – Reduces blood pressure and stress.
– It will help you to fall asleep faster, because it works as a sedative and gives a signal to the body to start more quickly the production of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep.
– Your sheets will be more clear. And if you consider that you are clean at the end of the day, if you do not shower, various impurities and dead skin cells accumulate on the skin.