Shocking story: he Was homeless and now he’s selling selfies for thousands of dollars [photos]

He lived on the streets, it was with boozer, shiny pins and…
furs, rubbing her face with tea bags to give color and φωτογραφιζόταν in vending machines.

The life of Lee Godie was on the streets of Chicago. There selling works. Took a bath in hotels and slept on park benches from the moment he lost the two children. Those who knew her spoke of an artist.

Selling for 20 $ pictures, works of art and lived from the proceeds. Began photographing herself in the ’70s. He lived for 30 years on the streets and had its own artistic style.

Elegance and finesse, each photo was passing over it with a pen or pencil. Then he kept them in a folder next to the bench, and whoever wanted it could pick any of the matches. Today, a photo of Lee Godi worth thousands of dollars in the stock market of art and historians of art consider it to be the work of powerful on many levels.

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