Shocking details about the rape and murder of 28-year-old tourist in India

Shock and grief cause the information see the light of publicity concerning the circumstances surrounding the rape and death of 28-year-old Danielle McLaughlin, the Irish tourist who was on holiday in India…
The unfortunate woman seems to have fallen victim to gang rape before she was killed with a broken beer bottle, according to the lawyer of her family.
Vikram Varma, as writes the Daily Mail, insisted that the suspect Vikat Bhagat can’t act alone. “Danielle was tall and very strong. The Bhagat seems neither strong nor muscular. I doubt that she had the power to defeat the Danielle alone. And if she was drunk there would be no reason to be all of these horrific injuries that he had,” she said.
During the horrific attack, the 28-year-old last week in Goa, was strangled and her face was beaten senseless with a broken bottle of beer.
The Bhagat confessed to the police that he murdered Danielle, after long hours of alcohol consumption in a festival, on the evening of last Monday. He denies, however, that he raped her, claiming that they had had a relationship with breaks.
The Varma insists that the story of Bhagat’s empty. “I have no doubt that he’s involved more than one person. I can immobilise it by himself. I have this feeling I need to confirm this with evidence. I also believe that those who was attacked had gone to another place where they found the body. The clothes of Bhagat had signs of blood and her clothes, Danielle found near his home. But these small gangs are usually made up of 4-6 people, who are committed with great dedication to each other”.
The lawyer calls on the police of Goa to continue its investigations and for the rest of the alleged perpetrators. “We’re not happy with an arrest and a confession. We want a conviction. We want the police to continue the investigation and to continue to collect evidence,” he stressed.
The forensic examination will take two to three weeks.
“If the samples taken from the vagina of Danielle show that there is a sperm of more than one, then it will be clear that she was attacked over a men,” explains Varma.
The best friend, Danielle, Nicole Farren, appealed to the locals to reveal the information that they have to bring to justice the perpetrators. “We understand that there is a lot of pressure to protect criminals, who have great power. But sometimes you gotta take your stand and say ‘no, enough’”.
The 23-year-old Bhagat was led to today in court for twenty categories of faces for cases of theft. Accused stole a laptop, cell phones, cash and jewelry from four of the tourists.